Гуманитарные Ведомости. Выпуск 3(7).2013

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им . Л . Н . Толстого № 3 (7), октябрь 2013 г . 103 V.V. Yagupov, V.I. Mizinchuk, N.A. Kryshtal MONITORING FUNCTION OF THE SPECIAL SUBJECT TEACHERS The article substantiates the special subject teachers’ monitoring function they perform during organization and conduct of the pedagogical monitoring of academic achievements of the students learning special subjects. Pedagogical monitoring is the system of rational pedagogical actions on collection, processing, analysis and interpretation of the information about students’ learning and understanding special subjects, as well as the evaluative attitude towards acquiring practical experience of the future professional activity, their motivation to learning activity and its nature, which allows to assess the process as well as the outcome of these academic achievements, to provide timely forecast and improvement of the teachers and students actions. The article also demonstrates the place of the monitoring function among other special subject teacher’s functions and provides its characteristics. Keywords: monitoring, monitoring function, pedagogical activity, special subject teacher.