Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 1(9). 2014

ГуманитарныеведомостиТГПУим . Л . Н . Толстого № 1(9), февраль 2014 г . 41 11. Педагогика / В . А . Сластёнин [ и др .]; под ред . В . А . Сластёнина . 10- е изд ., перераб . М .: Академия , 2011. 608 с . 12. Сластёнин В . А ., Чижакова Г . И . Введение в педагогическую аксиологию . М .: Академия , 2003. 192 с . S.A.Voronina THE FORMATION THE AXIOLOGICAL ATTITUDE OF STUDENTS TO PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY DURING PEDAGOGICAL OLYMPIAD The article contains the author's view point at the axiological constituent of professional pedagogue’s training; revealled the experience of formation the axiological attitude of students of pedagogical university to professional activity during pedagogicalOlympiad. Keywords: pedagogical values, professional activity of the teacher, the axiological attitude of students to professional activity, pedagogical Olympiad.