Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 2 (18) 2016

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 2 (18), июнь 2016 г. 108 ATTACHMENT 2 ARTICLE REVIEW Author_________________________________________________________________________ Article title__________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ № Criteria of reviewing Yes No Note 12. Relevance of a topic 13. Scientific originality, significance of work 14. Correspondence between the title and the content of materials 15. Logicality and sequence of the material presentation 16. Conducting of analysis based on the stated problems 17. Statistical processing of results (experiment) 18. Use of methods of scientific knowledge 19. A citation rate of scientific sources 20. Scientific style of writing, terminology 21. A compliance with the rules of document execution 22. The text part of a review (obligatory in case of negative review) A recommendation for publication (to underline): Publish, certainly Publish after the revisions done Reject Reviewer______________________________________(________________________________) Academic degree___________________________________________________________________ Position______________________________________________________________________ Place of work____________________________________________________________________ Date