Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 2 (18) 2016

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 2 (18), июнь 2016 г. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS A list of the editorial Board and the editorial Board of t he scientific publication «Gumanitarnyye vedomosti TGPU i m. L. N.Tolstogo» (in Russian and English)…………………… .4 Philosophical Sciences Meleshko E. D., Martyanova E. G., Chesnova E. N. The p henomenon of religious extremism and its prevention in th e s ystem of higher education (Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogica l University’s experience)………………………………………..4 N azarova U. V., Smelova M. V. Axiological content o f p rofessional ethics and prevention of youth’s devian t b ehaviour……………………………………………………….8 Nazarova U. V., Kudinova E. B. Cultural and ethical origins of t he concept ‘horror’ (on the materials of the English literature i n t he horror genre) ……………………………………………...2 1 Valeeva G. V. Good and evil in the ethical and philosophica l t eachings of N.O. Lossky……………………………………..2 9 Students’ victories Medvedeva D. D. Love in the philosophy of Plato (Supervisor - a ssociate professor Slobozhanin A. V.).………………………41 S melova M. V. Professional ethics of tutors (support of childre n with autistic spectrum disorder) (Supervisor - professo r Nazarova Y. V.).………………………………………………45 Pedagogical Sciences Egorova S. V. Features of preparation of music students’ a ccompaniment to work with choirs…………………………..53 Egorycheva S. A. Cultural tourism as an educational project (o n t he example of Tula Oblast)…………………………………...5 8 P ronin P. A. Artistic practices in the system of modern aestheti c e ducation………………………………………………………6 5 History of school textbook Bezrogov V. G. Out of the victory? Commemorative care in the e lementary Russian textbooks of 1945-2008…………………70 Philological Sciences Mironova G. S. Music in drama by Anton Chekhov……….....91 Information about the authors............................................... 97 The rules for submitting, reviewing, and publishing articles i n scientific journal «Gumanitarnyye vedomosti TGPU im. L. N. Tolstogo» ( in Russian and English) …………………..9 9 ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ ВЕДОМОСТИ ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого The scientific journal Published since 2012. Published 4 times a year Issue 2 (18) June 2016 _____________________ Editor in chief – Doctor of Philosophy , Professor E. D. Meleshko Deputy editor – Doctor of Philosophy , Professor V. N. Nazarov Executive editor – Candidate of Philosophy V. A. Slobozhanin Technical editor – Candidate of Philosophy E. G. Martyanova ISSN 2304-4772 _____________________ Address of the editorial office: 300026 , Tula, Lenina Prospekt, 125, Build. 4, room 332. Phone: 8 (4872) 65-74-37. Email address : phileo@tsput.ru