Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 2 (18) 2016

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 2 (18), июнь 2016 г. 64 Bibliography 1. Munitsipal'noye byudzhetnoye uchrezhdeniye kul'tury «Belovskiy rayonnyy khudozhestvenno-krayevedcheskiy muzey im. P. V. Zhukovskogo» [Belev District Museum of Art and Local Lore] [Electronic resource]: site. Belyov, 2016. Screen title. URL: http://muzei-belev.tls.muzkult.ru (accessed: 04.04.2016). 2. Bogoroditskiy dvorets-muzey [Bogoroditsk Palace Museum and Park] [Electronic resource]: site. Bogoroditsk, 2008-2016. Screen title. URL: http://palace-museum-park.org (accessed: 04.04.2016). 3. Governmental institution of culture of Tula Oblast Coalescence «Museum of historical and regional studies and art» [Electronic resource]: official website. Tula, 2016. Screen title. URL: http://www.museum-tula.ru/ (accessed: 10.05.2016). 4. International Art Festival «Garden of Geniuses» [Electronic resource] // Garden of geniuses: site. 2010-2016. Screen title. URL: http://www.garden-of- geniuses.ru (accessed: 02.04.2016). 5. Nazarov, V. N. Sistematicheskaya filosofiya v voprosakh i otvetakh [Systematic Philosophy: Questions and Answers] [Text]: Teaching aid / V. N. Nazarov. Tula, 2012. 320 p. 6. Odin v pole ne voin [There is safety in numbers] [Electronic resource] // The State Museum of Military History and Natural Preserve 'The Kulikovo Polye': official website. Screen title. URL: http://www.kulpole.ru/news/2903/ (accessed: 10.05.2016). 7. Psikhologicheskiye osobennosti vospriyatiya informatsii [Psychological peculiarities of perception of the information] [Electronic resource] // Learn new: site. 2012–2016. Screen title. URL: http://uchinovoe.ru/articles/-psihologicheskie- osobennosti-vospriyatiya-informatcii (accessed: 22.04.2016). 8. Sushchinskaya, M. D. Kul'turnyy turizm [The cultural tourism] [Text]: teaching aid / M. D. Sushchinskaya. Saint Petersburg: Izd-vo SPbGUEF publ, 2010. 128 p. 9. Tematicheskiye marshruty [Thematic routes] [Electronic resource] // Cultural navigator: cultural and tourist portal of Tula Oblast. Screen title. URL: http://www.tulagid71.ru/routes/theme/ (accessed: 04.04.2016). 10. Tul'skiy yeparkhial'nyy palomnicheskiy tsentr [Tula eparchial pilgrimage center] [Electronic resource] // Tula diocese: official website. Screen title. URL: http://tulaeparhia.ru/otdelyi/tulskij-eparxialnyij-palomnicheskij-zentr/ (accessed: 22.04.2016). 11. Muzey filimonovskoy igrushki [Museum of filimonovo toy] [Electronic resource]: site. 2009-2016. Screen title. URL: http://www.filimonovo- museum.ru/museum.html (accessed: 04.04.2016). 12. Ekologicheskiy art-festival' «Tsvetet kovyl'» [Environmental Art Festival "Flowering feather grass"] [Electronic resource] // The State Museum of Military History and Natural Preserve 'The Kulikovo Polye': official website. Screen title. URL: http://www.kulpole.ru/news/3422/ (accessed: 02.04.2016).