Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 3(19). 2016
Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л.Н. Толстого № 3 (19), октябрь 2016 г. 82 International Internet-conference on January 27 - May 25, 2016 / Ed. by Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. E. N. Artyomova, Cand. of Tech. Sciences N. V. Glebova. Orel: OSU, 2016. P. 372-376. 4. Mart'yanova, Ye. G., Chesnova, Ye. N. Osobennosti kul'turnogo turizma v Tul'skom regione [Peculiarities of cultural tourism in the Tula region ] // Turizm i industriya gostepriimstva: sovremennoye sostoyaniye i perspektivy razvitiya: Proceedings of the II International. research and scientific conf. (Divnomorskoe, 11- 16 September 2016). Rostov-on-Don: DSTU, 2016. 208 p. P. 86-90. 5. The Russian President announced the annual Message to the Federal Assembly. The second President's message (December 12, 2013, 13:15, Moscow, Kremlin) // Chastnyy Korrespondent. URL: http://www.chaskor.ru/article/10- e_poslanie_prezidenta_rossii_vladimira_putina_k_federalnomu_sobraniyu_34545 (reference date: 07.04.2016) 6. Tankievа, T. A. Analiz razvitiya religioznogo turizma v Tul'skoy oblasti [Analysis of the development of religious tourism in the Tula Oblast] // Russia- Kazakhstan: cross-border cooperation, museum and tourist potential, projects and routes to the world-class events: collection of articles of the International scientific- practical conference Issue 1. Samara, 2016. URL: https://regrazvitie.ru/wpcontent/uploads/2016/01/Tankieva.pdf (reference date: 22.09.2016) 7. Tula Oblast has something to surprise the tourists // Professional. Date of publication : August 23, 2016. URL: http://proftula.ru/articles/535/36961/ (reference date: 22.09.2016) 8. Slobozhanin, A. V. Proyektirovaniye kul'turno-turisticheskogo marshruta «Priroda i kul'tura Tul'skogo kraya: puteshestviye skvoz' veka» [Designing cultural tourist route «Nature and culture in Tula region: journey through the ages»]// Aktual'nyye problemy sovremennoy nauki v 21 veke [Actual problems of modern science in the 21 century]: proceedings of the 11-th international scientific and practical conf. (Makhachkala, August 31, 2016). Makhachkala: LLC «Aprobatsiya», 2016. 80 p. P. 76-77 9. Titkina, A. A. Sobytiynyy turizm v Tul'skoy oblasti: analiz i perspektivy razvitiya [Event Tourism in Tula region: analysis and prospects] // Innovatsionnaya nauka. 2016. 10. Part 3. P. 203-206. 10. Solopov, O. V., Solopova N. D. Perspektivy razvitiya ezotericheskogo turizma v Tul'skoy oblasti [Development prospects of esoteric tourism in Tula Oblast] //Innovatsionnaya nauka. 2016. 9. P. 368-371 11. Solopov, O. V., Solopova, N. D. Industrial'nyy turizm kak faktor razvitiya kul'turno-turistskogo potentsiala Tul'skoy oblasti [Industrial tourism as a factor of development of the cultural and tourist potential of Tula region] // Innovatsionnaya nauka. 2016. 9. P. 371-374 12. Putina, I. A. Perspektivy razvitiya kul'turno-istoricheskogo turizma v Tul'skoy oblasti (na primere razrabotki peshekhodnogo turistskogo marshruta po gorodu Tula) [Prospects for the development of cultural and historic tourism in Tula Oblast (by the example of the development of walking tourist route in the city of Tula)] // Simvol Nauki. 2016. # 9-2. P. 184-189
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