Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 1 (21) 2017.

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (21), март 2017 г. 78 Artemova, N.V. Glebova. Orel: OSU, 2016. 1 electron. opt. CD (CD-ROM). P. 372- 376. 9. Mart'anova E. G., Chesnova E. N. Kul'turno-poznavatel'nyy turizm v Tul'skoy oblasti (na primere literaturno-turisticheskogo marshruta «Anna Karenina: vchera, segodnya, zavtra») [Cultural and educational tourism in the Tula Oblast (for example, literary tourist route «Anna Karenina: yesterday, today, tomorrow») // Humanities, Social Sciences and Environment Conference: materials of the I international research and practice conference November 30h, 2016, Milan, Italy: Scientific public organization «Professional science», 2016. P. 59-75. 10. Mart'anova E. G., Chesnova E. N. Literaturnyy turizm v Tul'skoy oblasti: po sledam L.N. Tolstogo [Literary tourism in Tula Oblast: in the footsteps of L. N. Tolstoy] / /Spiritual heritage of L. N. Tolstoy in contemporary cultural discourse : Proceedings of the XXXV Intern. Tolstovsky Chteniya / ed. by D. A. Romanov, N.A. Krasovskaya. Tula: Lev Tolstoy TSPU Publishing House, 2016. P. 264-271. 11. A new kind of travel - literary tourism [Electronic resource] // KUDA.UA : Tourist Information portal. [2007]. URL: http://news.kuda.ua/23417 (reference date: 7.06.2016). 12. Silaeva T. А. Literaturnyy turizm kak spetsializirovannyy podvid kul'turnogo turizma [Literary tourism as a specialized subspecies of cultural tourism] // Vestnik Ros. novogo un-ta. 2013. no. 2. P. 201-204. 13. Temyakova T. V., Sycheva V. O. Saratovskiye ulitsy goroda Arbatova: literaturno-khudozhestvennaya ekskursiya i proyekt pamyatnika O. Bendera v g. Saratove: [Saratov streets of the city of Arbatova: literary and artistic excursion and the project of the monument to O. Bender in the city of Saratov]: monograph. Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT, 2013. 58 p. 14. Toporov V. N. K ponyatiyu literaturnogo urochishcha (Locus poesiae). Zhizn' i poeziya (Devich'ye pole). Aptekarskiy ostrov [On the concept of literary tracts (Locus poesiae). Life and Poetry (Maiden Field). Apothecary Island] // Literary process and challenges of literary culture: materials for discussion. Tallinn: Tallinn ped. Inst., 1988 P. 61-73. 15. Firsova A. V. Rol' khudozhestvennoy literatury v sozdanii turistskikh mest Prikam'ya [The role of literature in the creation of the tourist spots of Prikamye] // Kul'turno-istoricheskoye naslediye kak faktor ustoychivogo razvitiya territorii [Cultural heritage as a factor of sustainable development of the territory] : Proceedings of All-Russian Scient.-Pract. Conf. with Intern. Particip. / comp. by G. А. Lebedev, V. V. Dement'yev. Solikamsk: Solikamsk state ped. inst 2015. P. 312-316. 16. Firsova A. V. Literaturnoye kartirovaniye prostranstva v turistskikh proyektakh [Literary space mapping in tourism projects] // Questions of geography. Collec. 139: Theory and practice of tourism / Mosk. phil GO USSR; Rus. geogr. ob- vo. Moscow: Kodeks, 2014. P. 384-403. 17. Firsova A. V. Tsikl literaturnykh ekskursionnykh marshrutov po Permskomu krayu [Cycle of literary excursion routes in the Perm region] // Geographic Gazette . 2011. no. 3 P. 77-89. 18. Foshina T. Е. Sovremennoye sostoyaniye i perspektivy razvitiya literaturnogo turizma v Rossii [Current status and prospects of the development of