Гуманитарные ведомости, выпуск 2 (26) 2018.
Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 2 (26), июнь 2018 г. 141 11. Sidorov A. A. Iskusstvo russkoy knigi XIX-XX vekov [The Art of the Russian Book of the 19th-20th Centuries] // Kniga v Rossii [The Book in Russia]. In 2 parts / ed. by V. Ya. Adaryukov, A. A. Sidorov. Moscow: GPIB, 2008. Part II: Russkaya kniga XIX veka [Russian book of the 19th century]. P. 139-283. 12. Svirida I. Yevropeyskoy kul'turnoye prostranstvo: rossiyskaya granitsa vospriyatiya sovremennikov XVI-XVIII vv. [European cultural space: Russian border of perception of contemporaries XVI-XVIII centuries] // Mif Yevropy v literature i kul'ture Pol'shi i Rossii [Myth of Europe in literature and culture of Poland and Russia] / ed. by M.V. Leskinen, V. A. Khorev. Moscow: Indrik, 2004. P. 111-128. 13. Sofronova L. Obraz Yevropy v russkom kul'turnom kontekste XVIII v. [The image of Europe in the Russian cultural context of the 18th century] // Mif Yevropy v literature i kul'ture Pol'shi i Rossii [Myth of Europe in literature and culture of Poland and Russia] / ed. by M.V. Leskinen, V. A. Khorev. Moscow: Indrik, 2004. P. 93-110. 14. Leonhard J. Translation as cultural transfer and semantic interaction: European variations of liberal between 1800 and 1830 // Why concepts matter: translating social and political thought / M. J. Burke. Leiden: Brill, 2012. P. 93-108. Статья поступила в редакцию 15.04.2018 Статья допущена к публикации 30.05.2018 The article was received by the editorial staff 15.04.2018 The article is approved for publication 30.05.2018
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