Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 3(31) 2019 г
Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 3 (31), октябрь 2019 г. 103 education – Bachelor's degree in 39.03.02 Social work: [approved by the order of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation of February 5, 2018 No. 76]] // Garant.Ru: legal information portal. Moscow, 1990-2019. URL: https://www.garant.ru/products/ipo/prime/doc/71789368/ (reference date: 19.08.2019) 34. Firsov M. V., Studenova Ye. G., Namestnikova I. V. Vvedeniye v professiyu «Sotsial'naya rabota» [Introduction to the profession "Social Work": tutorial]. Moscow: KNORUS, 2011. 224 p. 35. Kholostova E. I. Professionalizm v sotsial'noy rabote [Professionalism in social work]: teaching aid]. Moscow: Dashkov and Co., 2008. 236 p. 36. Shain Ye. G. Etika v reabilitatsii sotsial'no-dezadaptirovannykh detey s deviantnym povedeniyem [Ethics in rehabilitation of socially-maladjusted children with deviant behavior] // Sotsial'naya reabilitatsiya beznadzornykh detey i nesovershennoletnikh s deviantnym povedeniyem [The social rehabilitation of street children and juveniles with behavioral problems: educational-methodical manual] / ed. by M. A. Novikova. Moscow, 1999. Pp. 12-13, 86-99. 37. Sharanovskaya Yu. V. Rabochaya programma distsipliny «Eticheskiye osnovy sotsial'noy raboty» [Working program of discipline "Ethical foundations of social work"] // Komplekt uchebno-metodicheskogo obespecheniya profil'noy podgotovki po obrazovatel'noy programme 39.03.02 Sotsial'naya rabota (profil' «Sotsial'naya rabota v sisteme sotsial'nykh sluzhb» [Set of educational and methodological support of profile training on the educational program 39.03.02 Social work (profile "Social work in the system of social services”]: educational- methodical manual] / ed. by E. G. Shain. Electron. Data Tula, 2019. 38. Sharanovskaya Yu.V. Iz opyta prepodavaniya distsipliny «Deontologiya sotsial'noy raboty» [To some experience of teaching the discipline "Deontology of social work"] // Proyektirovaniye i realizatsiya obrazovatel'nogo protsessa na osnove FGOS VO [Design and implementation of the educational process on the basis of the Federal State Education Standards of Higher Education: proceedings of the XLIII educational and methodical conference of faculty, postgraduates, undergraduates of TSPU Lev Tolstoy (Tula, March 22-23, 2016)] / ed. by V. А. Panin. Tula: TGPU im. L. N. Tolstogo, 2016. Pp. 364-367. 39. Entsiklopediya sotsial'noy raboty [Encyclopedia of social work]. In 3 vols: translated from English. Moscow: Tsentr obshchechelovecheskikh tsennostey Zoris, 1993-1994. 40. Etika: entsikl. slovar' [Ethics: Encyc. Dictionary] / Ed. by R.G. Apresyan, A. А. Guseynov. Moscow: Gardariki, 2001. 671 p. 41. Yarskaya-Smirnova E. R. Professional'naya etika sotsial'noy raboty [Professional ethics of social work]. Moscow: Izd. dom Klyuch-S, 1999. 93 p. Статья поступила в редакцию 20.08.2019 Статья допущена к публикации 30.09.2019
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