Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 3(31) 2019 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 3 (31), октябрь 2019 г. 27 References 1. Alekseev-Apraksin A. M. Buddizm v Peterburge: istoriya i sovremennost' [Buddhism in St. Petersburg: History and modernity]. Saint- Petersburg: Olearius Press, 2008. 175 p. 2. Kagan M.S. Grad Petrov v istorii russkoy kul'tury [Peter's city in the history of Russian culture]. 2nd ed., rev. and add. Saint-Petersburg: Paritet publ, 2006. 480 p. 3. Etnokonfessional'nyy illyustrirovannyy atlas Leningradskoy oblasti [Ethnoconfessional illustrated Atlas of the Leningrad region] / M. A. Dokuchaeva (Gryaznova) [et al.]; ed. by А. А. Syrov [et al.]. Saint-Petersburg: Inkeri, 2017. 656 p. 4. Restavratsiya Leningradskoy Sobornoy Mecheti, 1984-1985 gg. [Restoration of the Leningrad Cathedral Mosque, 1984-1985]. In 5 vols // KGIOP Archive [Archive of the Committee on State Control, Use and Protection of Monuments of History and Culture]. No. 442/PR-5; Korentsvit V. А. Sobornaya mechet' v Leningrade [Cathedral mosque in Leningrad] [Manuscript]. Leningrad, 1972 // KGIOP Archive [Archive of the Committee on State Control, Use and Protection of Monuments of History and Culture]. No. N-1619; Vityazeva V. A., Lebedeva L. V. Mosque passport. 1997. 27 p. // KGIOP Archive [Archive of the Committee on State Control, Use and Protection of Monuments of History and Culture]. No. P 765; TsGIA SPb [Central State Historical Archive of St. Petersburg]. Fund 513. Ser. 102. F. 7956; TsGIA SPb [Central State Historical Archive of St. Petersburg]. Fund 513. Ser. 136. F. 259; Russian State Historical Archive (RGIA). Fund 821. Ser. 133. F. 554. Sh. 61-65; State Museum of the history of religion. Kollektsiya dokumentov po S.-Peterburgskoy Sobornoy mecheti [Collection of documents on the St. Petersburg Cathedral mosque]; Vecherneye vremya: [newspaper]. Feb 23, 1913; Rech': [newspaper]. July 13, 1909. (No. 188). P. 4; Zodchiy: [magazine]. 1907. No. 45. Pp. 467-469; No. 51. Pp. 521; 1908, No. 11. Pp 98, Fig. 1-4. 5. KGIOP Archive [Archive of the Committee on State Control, Use and Protection of Monuments of History and Culture]. No. P 765. P. 2. 6. KGIOP Archive [Archive of the Committee on State Control, Use and Protection of Monuments of History and Culture]. No. P 765. P.6. 7. TsGIA SPb [Central State Historical Archive of St. Petersburg]. Fund 513. Ser. 136. F. 259 (1907-1909). Sh. 2. 8. Aminov D. A. Tatary v St. Peterburge [Tatars in St. Petersburg: histor. essay]. Saint-Petersburg: Al'd publ, 1994. 49 p. 9. Korentsvit V. А. Sobornaya mechet' v Leningrade [Cathedral mosque in Leningrad] [Manuscript]. Leningrad, 1972 // KGIOP Archive [Archive of the Committee on State Control, Use and Protection of Monuments of History and Culture]. No. N-1619. Sh. 20-21. 10. Russian State Historical Archive (RGIA). Fund 821. Ser. 133. F. 554. Sh. 61-65.