Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 4(32). Т. 1. 2019 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 4 (32), том 1, декабрь 2019 г. 57 Russian Ethics. Materials of the conference – «round table»]. Voprosy filosofii. (Questions of Philosophy) 2017, № 10. Pp. 6-77. 4. Bakhtin M. M. K filosofii postupka [To the Philosophy of Action]. Filosofiya i sotsiologiya nauki i tekhniki. Ezhegodnik 1984-1985. (Philosophy and sociology of science and technology. Yearbook 1984-1985) 1986. Pp. 80-138. 5. Moral v sovremennom mire i problemy rossiyskoy etiki. Materialy konferentsii – «kruglogo stola» [Morality in the Modern World and Problems of Russian Ethics. Materials of the conference – «round table»]. Voprosy filosofii. (Questions of Philosophy) 2017, № 10. Pp. 6-77. 6. Nagoy F. N. Teorii tsennostey i problema tselostnosti mirovozzreniya lichnosti [Theory of Values and the Problem of the Integrity of the Worldview of the Individual]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Filosofiya. Psikhologiya. Sotsiologiya. (Bulletin of Perm University. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology) 2017, № 1. Pp. 20- 28. 7. Polikanova E. P. Moralnye tsennosti i ikh rol v sovremennom obschestve [Moral Values and Ttheir Role in Modern Society]. Filosofiya i obschestvo. (Philosophy and society) 2014. № 3. С. 131-140. 8. Appelbaum A. Ethics for Adversaries. The Morality of Roles in Public and Professionals Life. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999. 9. Hume D. Traktat o chelovecheskoy prirode [A Treatise of Human Nature] Sochineniya. Т. 1. [Works, Vol. 1]. Moscow, Mysl Publ., 1996. 296 p. 10. Prokofev A. V. Pochemu ya dolzhen byt moralnym? (teoreticheskiy kontekst obosnovaniya morali) [Why should I be Moral? (theoretical context of the justification of morality)] Eticheskaya mysl. (Ethical Thought) 2017, vol. 17, № 1. Pp. 5-17. 11. Moral v sovremennom mire i problemy rossiyskoy etiki. Materialy konferentsii – «kruglogo stola» [Morality in the Modern World and Problems of Russian Ethics. Materials of the conference – «round table»]. Voprosy filosofii. (Questions of Philosophy) 2017, № 10. Pp. 6-77. 12. Filosofskaya etika i ee perspektivy v sovremennom mire (kruglyy stol k 10-letiyu ezhegodnika «Eticheskaya mysl»: A. A. Guseynov, A. V. Razin, A. I. Brodskiy, V. O. Lobovikov, R. G. Apresyan, M. L. Gelfond) [Philosophical Ethics and its Prospects in the Modern World (round table for the 10th anniversary of the Yearbook "Ethical thought" by: A. A. Guseynov, A. V. Razin, A. I. Brodsky, V. O. Lobovikov, R .G. Apresyan, M. L. Gelfond)]. Eticheskaya mysl. (Ethical Thought) 2012, №12. Pp. 5-71. 13. MacIntyre Ch. Posle dobrodeteli: Issledovaniya teorii morali [After Virtue]. Moscow, Academic project Publ., Yekaterinburg, Business book Publ, 2000. 384 p. 14. Chernova T. G. Svoboda i otvetstvennost kak suschnostnye sily cheloveka [Freedom and Responsibility as Essential Powers of Man]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Filosofiya. Psikhologiya. Sotsiologiya. (Bulletin of Perm University. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology) 2018, № 1. Pp. 45-52.