Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 4(32). Т. 2. 2019 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 4 (32), том 2, декабрь 2019 г. 21 3. Asmolov A. G., Yagodin G. A. Obrazovaniye kak rasshireniye vozmozhnostey razvitiya lichnosti // Sbornik normativnyh dokumentov obshhego srednego obrazovaniya [Education as expansion of opportunities for personal development. Collection of normative documents of General secondary education]. Moscow, 1993. P. 8-14. 4. Gessen S. I. Osnovy pedagogiki. Vvedeniye v prikladnuyu filosofiyu [Fundamentals of pedagogy. Introduction to applied philosophy]. Moscow: School Press, 1995. 419 p. 5. Kapterev P. F. Izbrannyye pedagogicheskiye sochineniya [Selected pedagogical works]. Moscow: Pedagogy, 1982. 704 p. 6. Kapterev P. F. Istoriya russkoy pedagogiki [History of Russian pedagogy]. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2006. 481р. 7. Korol'kov A. A. Russkaya dukhovnaya filosofiya [Russian spiritual philosophy]. St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Institute, 1998. 576 p. 8. Coombs F. G. Krizis obrazovaniya v sovremennom mire. Sistemnyy analiz [Crisis of education in the modern world. System analysis]. Moscow: Progress, 1970. 216 p. 9. Lyubimov L. L. Smysly i sostavlyayushhiye shkol'nogo gumanitarnogo obrazovaniya [Meanings and components of humanitarian school education]. Voprosy obrazovaniya [Issues of education]. 2007. No. 1. P. 282-295. 10. Maksimov A. EGE kak ubiytsa [State exam as a murderer] // Argumenty i Fakty [Arguments and Facts]. 2008. No. 27. P. 4. 11. Slobodchikov V. Novoye obrazovaniye – put' k novomu soobshchestvu // Narodnoye obrazovaniye [New education – the way to a new community // Public education]. 1998. No 5. Р.10. 12. Trofimova N. B. Razvitiye dukhovno-nravstvennogo potentsiala uchashchikhsya v obrazovatel'nom processe shkoly (psikhologo-pedagogicheskiy aspekt): Monografiya [Development of spiritual and moral potential of students in the educational process of the school (psychological and pedagogical aspect): Monograph]. Voronezh: Voronezh State Pedagogical University, 2008. 283р. 13. Shveytser A. Kul'tura i etika [Culture and ethics]. Moscow: Progress, 1973. 343 р. 14. Shvets V. A. Filosofiya i gumanizatsiya obrazovaniya kak faktor kul'tury [Philosophy and humanization of education as a factor of culture] // Mir kul'tury: chelovek, nauka, iskusstvo [World of culture: person, science, art]. Samara, 1996. Р. 61-62. 15. Yurkevich P. D. Kurs obshchey pedagogiki s prilozheniyami [Course of General pedagogy with applications]. Moscow: Grachev Printing House, 1869. 404 p. 16. Yurkevich P. D. Chteniya o vospitanii [Readings on education]. Moscow: Publishing House оf the N. Czepelewski, 1865. 272 р. Статья поступила в редакцию 22.10.2019 Статья допущена к публикации 30.011.2019