Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 4 (36). 2020 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 4 (36), декабрь 2020 г. 148 board and can vote in absentia). At an equality of votes, the chief editor's vote is decisive. The quorum for decision– making is determined at the level 50 % of the total number of the editorial board members. 2.6.2. When making the final decision on acceptance of an article or refusal of publication, the editorial board draw a conclusion. The conclusion of the editorial board must unambiguously characterize theoretical or applied significance of a study, correlate an author's conclusions with existing scientific concepts. Assessment by a reviewer of personal contribution of an article author to resolution of an considered problem is the necessary element of the conclusion. The conclusion ends with overall assessment of the article and a recommendation for publication or informative refusal of the material. 2.6.3. On the basis of the decision, letter is sent to the author (s) on behalf of the responsible editor by e-mail in which the overall assessment of the article is given and the decision regarding the materials submitted by the author(s) is presented. 2.6.4. If the article can be published after implementing changes, recommendation on refinement/removal of comments are given in the letter. The reviewers and editors of the journal do not enter discussions with authors of an article about made comments. 2.6.5. The article submitted by an author (authors) to the editorial office after refinement/removal of comments is undergoing again the same reviewer's or another reviewer appointed in the discretion of the editorial board. 2.6.6. When having a significant share of a reviewer's critical remarks in an article and general positive recommendation, the editorial board can assign material to a category of polemical ones and can publish it by way of a scientific discussion. 2.6.7. In case of rejecting an article from publication, the responsible editor of the journal sends the author a informative refusal during three working days. 2.6.8. The article not recommended by a reviewer to a publication is not accepted for repeat consideration. 3. The rules of publication 3.1. Publication frequency of the journal release is 4 times a year. The particular months of the journal release are set by the editorial board at the beginning of the calendar year. 3.2. The meeting of the journal's editorial office board is held not less than 4 times a year. The meetings of editorial office staff are held by a chief editor when required. 3.3. A responsible editor of the editorial board carries out preparation of a journal layout. 3.4. After approval of a corresponding layout by a chief editor, the layout editor and the employee of the TSPU Research and Education, Library and Information Centre carry out technological layout correction. 3.5. Not later, than on the last day of a calendar month (in accordance with issues release schedule), the journal is posted in the TSPU portal of scientific journals. 3.6. In the three–month term, the employee of the TSPU Research and Education, Library and Information Centre passes the information about published scientific articles to the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).