Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 1(33). 2020 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (33), июль 2020 г. 206 In each county there are many villages and one county town. In the town wooden or stone houses are covered with boards or iron: no sheds or barns but shops and groceries; between the houses no wattles, but picket fences. In the big city the streets are paved with stone, and on the sides of the streets—sidewalks. The city has several squares, streets and alleys. You can see some cabs, carriages, strollers, and in winter city sleigh. There are several churches in the city, and one is called the Dom. Residents of the city are engaged in crafts, trade and service. Around several cities are many simple and also steam factories, with high pipes. Note that in the first editions of the ‘Native Word’next to the text there wasan image of a European city(apparently, a borrowed cliché, Fig. 12). The image has been replaced later. It was a Russian county town (probably Volga, Fig. 13). Fig. 12. Ushinsky K. Native Word , 1869, 1871. P. 84.