Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 3 (35). 2020 г
Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 3 (35), ноябрь 2020 г. 153 10. Tendryakova M., Bezrogov V. G. V. Gorod i Korf: figura urbis novae v uchebnykh knigakh dlya zemskoy shkoly [City and korff: figura urbis novae in textbooks for the rural school]. Vestnik Pravoslavnogo Svyato-Tikhonovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. Ser. 4: Pedagogika. Psikhologiya [St. Tikhon’s University Review. Series 4. Pedagogy. Psychology]. 2019. Issue. 54. Pp. 96-117. [In Russian] 11. Tishkov V. A. Natsiya [Nation]. Entsiklopediya Vsemirnaya istoriya [Encyclopedia of World History]. URL: https://w.histrf.ru/articles/article/show/natsiia (accessed 16 February 2020). [In Russian] 12. Ahier J. Industry, Children and the Nation: Analysis of National Identity in School Textbooks. London: Falmer Press Ltd, 1988. 215p. 13. Kirschenbaum L. A. Small Comrades. Revolutionizing Childhood in Soviet Russia, 1917-1932. New-York –London: RoutledgeFalmer, 2001. Istochniki 14. Azbuka dlya negramotnykh: Sost. slushatelyami Kovernin. uyezd. kursov kras. uchiteley 1 noyab. po 1 dek. 1920 g [Alphabet for the illiterate: Comp. listeners to Kovernin. county. courses red. teachers 1 Nov. – 1 Dec. 1920 g]. Ed. by A. I. Kandorsky; foreword by Trokhacheva]. Kovernin: Kovernin. uezd. otd. Prosveshcheniya: Tipografiya Soveta narodnogo khozyaystva publ., 1920. 8 p. 15. Aleksandrovich M. S. Shkolka gramoty: Nachatki rod. yaz., Khristova ucheniya i scheta: dlya krest'yan. Rebyat [School of Literacy: The beginnings of the genus. yaz., Christ's teachings and accounts: for peasants. guys]. Moscow: Tipografiya isdatel’stva I. D. Sytina Publ., 1905. 46, [2] p., illustrated. 16. Al'bom-azbuka: Narody Rossii [Album alphabet: Peoples of Russia]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo I. D. Sytina Publ., 1907. 24 p.: illustrated. 17. Bogoraz-Tan V. G., Stebnickij S. N. Bukvar' dlya severnykh narodnostey [A primer for northern peoples]. compiled by Professor V. G. Bogoraz- Tan and S. N. Stebnitsky; with 140 drawings in the text by S. V. Ivanov and O. I. Borodina; Centrosovnatsman of the RSFSR People's Commissariat for Education and the Committee for Assistance to Small Nations of the North under the Presidium of the CEC. Moscow: Tsentral'noye izdatel'stvo narodov SSSR Publ., 1927. 4, 127 p: illustrated. 18. Bukvar' dlya vzroslykh [Primer for adults]. 2 nd ed. compiled under the editorship of the leaders of the section of out-of-school education and elementary school of the Odessa branch of the All-Russian Union of Teachers. Odessa: Odessa: Knigoizdatel'stvo Kul'turno-prosvetitel'nogo otdeleniya Komiteta rumynskogo fronta Vserossiyskogo zemskogo soyuza Publ., 1917. 47 p. 19. Korf N. A. Rukovodstvo k «Nashemu drugu»: kn. dlya uchashchikh [A Guide to "Our friend": book. for teachers]. St. Petersburg: Tipografiya M. A. Khana Publ., 1881. 2, 190, [2] p.: illustrated. 20. Krizh V. O. Azbuka dlya sel'skikh shkol, russkaya i tserkovno- slavyanskaya: S raznoobraznym materialom dlya samostoyat. pis'm. rabot. [Alphabet for rural schools, Russian and Church Slavonic: With a variety of material for self-
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