Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 2 (38). 2021 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л.Н. Толстого № 2 (38), июль 2021 г 117 Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics]. VINITI. 2009. Issue. 3. Pp. 1-12. [In Russian] 23. Stolyarov Yu. N. Bibliotekovedeniye, bibliografovedeniye i knigovedeniye kak yedinaya nauchnaya spetsial'nost' : polnyy kurs lektsiy dlya aspirantov i soiskateley po tipovoy programme kandidatskogo minimuma : ucheb. posob. dlya asp. i soiskateley po spets. 05.25.03 Bibliotekovedeniye, bibliografovedeniye i knigovedeniye [ Library science, bibliography and bibliology as a single scientific specialty : a full course of lectures for graduate students and applicants according to the standard candidate minimum program: a textbook for graduate students and applicants in the specialty 05.25.03 Library science, bibliography and bibliology]. Oryol: Orel State Institute of Culture, 2007. 266 p. [In Russian] 24. Stolyarov Yu. N. Zakon dokumentnogo osnashcheniya sotsial'nykh kommunikatsii [The Law of Documenting Social Communications]. Bibliotekovedenie [Russian Journal of Library Science] . 2002. Issue 6. Pp. 22-30. [In Russian] 25. Stolyarov Yu. N. O meste dokumentovedeniya v sisteme nauk [On the place of records management in the system of sciences]. Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya informatsiya. Ser. 1 [Scientific and Technical Information Processing]: Organizatsiya i metodika informatsionnoy raboty : nauchno-tekhnicheskiy sbornik [Organization and methodology of information work: scientific and technical collection]. Editor-in-chief R. S. Gilyarevsky. VINITI RAN. 2004. Issue 6. Pp. 1-3. [In Russian] 26. Stolyarov Yu., N. P. Otle and N. A. Rubakin: tvorcheskoye sodruzhestvo [Paul Otlet and Nikolas Rubakin: Creative commonwealth]. Nauchnyye i tekhnicheskiye biblioteki: sbornik [Scientific and Technical Libraries: collection] . Moscow: GPNTB Publ., 2018. Issue 10. Pp. 98-115. [In Russian] 27. Khan-Pira E. I. Arkhivovedcheskoye terminovedeniye : ucheb. posob. po spetskursu [Archival terminology: textbook. manual. on the special course]. Russian State University for the Humanities. Moscow State Historical and Archival Institute. Moscow: MGIAI Publ., 1990. 136 p. [In Russian] 28. Shvetsova-Vodka G. N. Kniga i dokument: sootnosheniye ponyatiy [Correlation of the concepts "document" and "book"]. Kniga : issledovaniya i materialy [The Book. Researches and materials]. Moscow: Terra Publ., 1994. Pp. 19-37. [In Russian] 29. Shvetsova-Vodka G. N. Obshchaya teoriya dokumenta i knigi : uchebnoye posobiye [General Theory of Document and Book] . Moscow: Rybari Publ.; Kyiv: Znannya Publ., 2009. 487 p. [In Russian] 30. Otlet Paul. Traitе de documentation: le livre sur le livre: thйorie et pratique . Bruxelles: Mundaneum :Publ., 1934. 452 p. [In French] Статья поступила в редакцию 01.07.2021 Статья допущена к публикации 10.07.2021 The article was received by the editorial staff 01.07.2021 The article is approved for publication 10.07.2021