Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 3 (39). 2021 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л.Н. Толстого № 3 (39), октябрь 2021 г 134 References 1. Elcano global presence index. URL: https://explora.globalpresence.realinstitutoelcano.org/ (accessed: 14.04.2021). [in English] 2. McClory, J. Portland. The Soft Power 30. A Global ranking of Soft Power. Portland: site. URL: https://softpower30.com/ (accessed:14.04.2021).[in English] 3. Nye J. Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power. New York: Basic Books, 1990. 336 p.[in English] 4. Rapid-growth markets soft power index: Spring 2012 / Ernst&Young. Scolkovo: Moscow School of Management : site. URL: https://iems.skolkovo.ru/downloads/documents/SKOLKOVO_IEMS/Research_Repo rts/SKOLKOVO_IEMS_Research_2012-02-02_en.pdf (accessed:14.04.2021). [in English] 5. Sao-Cheng, S. The Approaches of China’s Soft Power Strategy. WHAMPOA – An Interdisciplinary Journal. 2011. No 61. P. 57. [in English] 6. Voyna v Sirii. Chego dobilas' Rossiya za pyat' let blizhnevostochnoy kampanii. [The war in Syria. What Russia has achieved in five years of the Middle East campaign]. BBC News: Russian Service : website. Date of publication: 03.10.2020. URL: https://www.bbc.com/russian/features-54363722 (accessed:14.04.2021 ).[in Russian] 7. Zotov V. D. Latinskaya Amerika: ispanskoye zavoyevaniye i stanovleniye ideologii osvobozhdeniya [Latin America: the Spanish Conquest and the formation of the ideology of liberation]. Sotsial'no-gumanitarnyye znaniya. 2008. No 6. Pp. 168-185. [in Russian] 8. Istoriya vozniknoveniya i razvitiya kontseptsii «myagkoy sily»: primenimost' na yevraziyskom prostranstve [The history of the emergence and development of the concept of "soft power": applicability in the Eurasian space]. Autonomous Non-Profit Organization 'Center For Strategic Assessment And Forecasts'. URL: http://csef.ru/ru/politica-i-geopolitica/491/istoriya-vozniknoveniya- i-razvitiya-konczepczii-myagkoj-sily-primenimost-na-evrazijskom-prostranstve-6436 (accessed: 14.04.2021) [in Russian] 9. Katasonova E. L. Yaponiya i yeye instrumenty myagkoy sily [Japan and its soft power instruments]. Association of Japanologists. URL: http://japanstudies.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=391 (accessed: 14.04.2021). [in Russian] 10. Kontseptsiya vneshney politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii (utverzhdena Prezidentom Rossiyskoy Federatsii V. V. Putinym 12 fevralya 2013 g.) [The Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation (approved by the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin on February 12, 2013)]. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation : ofic. website. URL: https://www.mid.ru/foreign_policy/official_documents/-