Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 3 (39). 2021 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л.Н. Толстого № 3 (39), октябрь 2021 г 147 World History]. 2016. No 4. Pp. 59-72. [in Russian] 5. Aulus Gellius. Atticheskiye nochi [Attic nights]. Books I–X. St. Petersburg, Gumanitarnaya Akademiya publ, 2007. 480 p. [in Russian] 6. Gerasimova L. Yu. Kontseptsiya Olimpiyskikh igr i khudozhestvennoye oformleniye Olimpii: dis. ... kand. ist. nauk : 07.00.03 [The concept of the Olympic Games and the decoration of the Olympia: Thesis ... Candidate of Historical Sciences : 07.00.03]. Gerasimova Lyudmila Yuryevna. Moscow, 2005. 215 p. [in Russian] 7. Herodotus. Istoriya v devyati knigakh [The Histories: in nine books]. Leningrad, Nauka publ, 1972. 600 p. [in Russian] 8. Grecheskaya epigramma : per. s drevnegrech [Greek epigram: transl. from Ancient Greek]. Moscow, Medgiz publ, 1960. 487 p. [in Russian] 9. Diodorus Siculus. Istoricheskaya biblioteka [Bibliotheca historica], transl. from English by D. V. Meshchansky .Symposium ΣυμπσΣιον : website. URL: http://www.simposium.ru/ru/node/9069 (accessed: 06.08.2021). [in Russian] 10. Zaytsev A. I. Kul'turnyy perevorot v Drevney Gretsii III-V vv. do n. e. [Cultural revolution in Ancient Greece in the 3th-5th centuries BC]. Leningrad, LSU Publishing House, 1985. 208 p. [in Russian] 11. Zel'in K. K. Olimpioniki i tirany [Olympians and Tyrants]. Vestnik drevney istorii [Journal of Ancient History]. 1962. No 4. Pp. 21-29. [in Russian] 12. Xenophon. Sokraticheskiye sochineniya [Socratic writings], trans. from ancient Greek, intro. art. and notes by S.I. Sobolevsky. Moscow, Mir knigi publ, Literatura publ, 2007. 368 p. [in Russian] 13. Kylasov A.V. Sport kak sotsiokul'turnyy fenomen epokhi globalizatsii: dis. … kand. kul'turologii : 24.00.01. Kylasov Alexey Valeryevich [Sport as a socio- cultural phenomenon of the era of globalization [Cand. Thes. ... Cand. Arts]]. Moscow, 2010. 181 p. [in Russian] 14. Lessing G. E. Laokoon, ili o granitsakh zhivopisi i poezii [Laocoon: or, the limits of Poetry and Painting]. Moscow, Goslitizdat publ, 1957. 519 p. [in Russian] 15. Lucian of Samosata. Sochineniya [Works]. In 2 vols. Vol. 1. St. Petersburg, Aleiteya publ, 2001. 480 p. [in Russian] 16. Nepos Cornelius. O znamenitykh inozemnykh polkovodtsakh. Iz knigi o rimskikh istorikakh [Excellentium Imperatorum Vitae. De viris illustribus]. Moscow, Izd-vo MGU publ, 1992. 208 p. [in Russian] 17. Pausanias. Opisaniye Ellady [Description of Greece]. In 2 vols. Vol. 1: Book I–VI. Moscow: AST publ: Ladomir publ, 2002. 492 p. [in Russian] 18. Pausanias. Opisaniye Ellady [Description of Greece]. In 2 vols. Vol. 2: Book VII-X. Moscow: AST publ: Ladomir publ, 2002. 503 p. [in Russian] 19. Pindar. Vakkhilid. Ody. Fragmenty [Bacchylides. Odes. Fragments]. Moscow, Nauka publ, 1980. 503 p. [in Russian] 20. Plato. Sochineniya [Works]. In 3 vols. Vol. 3, part 2. Moscow, Mysl' publ, 1972. 678 p. [in Russian] 21. Pliny the Elder. Estest voznaniye. Ob iskusstve [Natural History. Art history]. Moscow, Ladomir publ, 1994. 941 p. [in Russian] 22. Plutarch. Sravnitel'nyye zhizneopisaniya [Comparative biographies]. In 3