Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 3 (39). 2021 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л.Н. Толстого № 3 (39), октябрь 2021 г 31 7. Prokofyev A. V. O moral'nom znachenii styda [On the Moral Significance of Shame]. Eticheskaya mysl' [Ethical thought]. Vol. 17, No. 2. Pp. 106- 122. [in Russian] 8. Prokofyev A. V. Styd bez «Oka Drugikh» (eticheskiy analiz desotsializirovannoy kontseptsii styda) [Shame without the ‘Eye of Others’ (an Ethical Analysis of the Desocialized Conception of Shame)], Chelovek , 2017. No. 4. Pp. 38-51. [in Russian] 9. Thomas Aquinas. Bol'shoy traktat o glavnykh dobrodetelyakh. [Traktat] o pravosudnost [A great treatise on the main virtues. [Treatise] on justice]. Summa theologia. Part II-II. Questions 47-122. Kiev, Nika-Centr publ, 2013. Pp. 113-811. [in Russian] 10. Thomas Aquinas. Bol'shoy traktat o glavnykh dobrodetelyakh. [Traktat] o muzhestve i blagorazumii [A great treatise on the main virtues. [Treatise] on courage and prudence]. Summa theologia. Part II-II. Questions 123-189. Kiev: Nika- Centr publ, 2014. Pp. 4-429. [in Russian] 11. Thomas Aquinas. Traktat o strastyakh [A treatise on the passions]. Summa theologia . Part II–I. Questions 1-48. Kiev: El'ga publ: Nika-Centr publ, 2006. Pp. 284-557. [in Russian] 12. Calhoun C. An Apology for Moral Shame. Journal of Political Philosophy. Vol. 12, No. 2. Pp. 127-146. [in English] 13. Cates D. F. Aquinas on the Emotions: A Religious-ethical Inquiry. Washington: Georgetown University Press, 2009. 288 p. [in English] 14. Deonna J. A., Rodogno R, Teroni F. In Defense of Shame: The Faces of an Emotion. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. 268 p. [in English] 15. Elders L. J. The Ethics of St. Thomas Aquinas: Happiness, Natural Law and The Virtues. Washington: The Catholic University of America Press, 2019. 313 p. [in English] 16. Finnis J. Aquinas: Moral, Political, and Legal Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. 385 p. [in English] 17. Gilbert P. The Evolution of Social Attractiveness and its Role in Shame, Humiliation, Guilt and Therapy. British Journal of Medical Psychology. 1997. Vol. 70, No 2. P. 113-147. [in English] 18. Gilson E. Moral Values and Moral Life: Ethical Theory of St. Thomas Aquinas. Hamden: The Shoe String Press Inc., 1961. 337 p. [in English] 19. Heller A. The Power of Shame. Dialectical Anthropology . 1982. Vol. 6, No. 3. Pp. 215-228. [in English] 20. Knuuttila S. The Emotion of Shame in Medieval Philosophy. SpazioFilosofico . 2012. Vol. 5. Pp. 243-249. [in English] 21. Krom M. P. Justice and Charity: An Introduction to Aquinas’s Moral, Economic, and Political Thought. Grand Rapids: Baker Publishing Group, 2020. 240 p. [in English] 22. Lewis H. B. Shame and Guilt in Neurosis. New York: International Universities Press, 1971. 525 p. [in English]