Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 4(40). 2021 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 4 (40), декабрь 2021 г 54 17. Pozitsiya Russkoy Pravoslavnoy Tserkvi po aktual'nym problemam ekologii [The position of the Russian Orthodox Church on topical environmental problems]. OVTSR: website . URL: http://www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/2775125.html (accessed: 9 September 21). [In Russian] 18. Predstaviteli Russkoy Pravoslavnoy Tserkvi prinyali uchastiye v X Assambleye «Religii za mir» [Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church took part in the X Assembly of "Religions for Peace"]. OVTSR: website . URL: https://mospat.ru/ru/2019/08/26/news176853/ (accessed: 9 September 21). [In Russian] 19. Predstavitel' Russkoy Pravoslavnoy Tserkvi prinyal uchastiye v global'nom forume Al'yansa tsivilizatsiy OON v N'yu-Yorke [Representative of the Russian Orthodox Church took part in the global forum of the UN Alliance of Civilizations in New York]. OVTSR: website . URL: https://mospat.ru/ru/2018/11/23/news166963/ (accessed: 9 September 21). [In Russian] 20. Religiya v sovremennoy Rossii: sobytiya i diskursy pandemii [Religion in modern Russia: events and discourses of the pandemic]: a monograph, ed. by M. M. Mchedlova. Moscow: RUDN, 2021.352 p. [In Russian] 21. Svyateyshiy Patriarkh Kirill blagoslovil moskovskiye prikhody napravit' sredstva, sekonomlennyye na pokupke tsvetov k dnyu tezoimenitstva Yego Svyateyshestva, v podderzhku postradavshim zhitelyam Sirii [His Holiness Patriarch Cyril blessed the Moscow parishes to use the funds saved on buying flowers for the name day of His Holiness to support the affected residents of Syria]. OVTSR: website . URL: https://mospat.ru/ru/news/48488/ (accessed: 9 September 21). [In Russian] 22. Silantyev R. A. Islamo-khristianskiy dialog v dosovetskiy i sovetskiy periody [Islamic-Christian dialogue in the pre-Soviet and Soviet periods]. Religiya i sovremennyy mir. 2010. Issue 8. Pp. 65-73. [In Russian] 23. Sostoyalos' zasedaniye mezhreligioznoy Rabochey gruppy po okazaniyu gumanitarnoy pomoshchi Sirii [A meeting of the interfaith working group on the provision of humanitarian aid to Syria was held]. OVTSR: website . URL: https://mospat.ru/ru/2017/04/12/news144542/ (accessed: 9 September 21). [In Russian] 24. S"yezd liderov mirovykh i traditsionnykh religiy [Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions]. URL: http://www.religions-congress.org/ (accessed: 9 September 21). [In Russian] 25. Francis, Pope ENTSIKLIKA Laudato si’ (O zabote ob obshchem dome) [ENCYCLICA Laudato si '(On taking care of the common home)]. La Santa Sede : website . URL: http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/ru/encyclicals/documents/papa- francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si.html (accessed: 9 September 21). [In Russian] 26. Tseli v oblasti ustoychivogo razvitiya [Sustainable Development Goals]. Znay svoi tseli: sayt. URL: http://sdg.openshkola.org/ (accessed: 9 September 21). [In Russian]