Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 1(41). 2022 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (41), март 2022 г 146 problems of perestroika], ed. Ya. M. Berger [et al]. Moscow, 1989. Pp. 138-167. [in Russian] 33. Riсhter M. Pokok, Skinner i Begriffsgeschichte [Pocock, Skinner and Begriffsgeschichte]. Kembridzhskaya shkola: teoriya i praktika intellektual'noy istorii [The Cambridge School: Theory and Practice of Intellectual History], comp. T. Atnashev, M. Velizhev. Moscow, Novoye literaturnoye obozreniye publ, 2018. Pp. 347-380. [in Russian] 34. Rybakov V. Probnyy shar [Trial balloon]. Sbornik nauchnoy fantastiki [Science fiction collection]. 1987. No 31. Pp. 112-130. [in Russian] 35. Sbornik nauchnoy fantastiki [Science fiction collection]. 1983-1992. Issue 28-36. [in Russian] 36. Sidorina T. Yu. Kul'turnyye transformatsii XX stoletiya: krizis kul'tury v otsenke zapadnoyevropeyskikh i otechestvennykh mysliteley [Cultural transformations of the 20th century: the crisis of culture in the assessment of Western European and Russian thinkers]. Moscow, Prospekt publ, 2018. 384 p. [in Russian] 37. Sotsiokul'turnyye utopii XX veka [Sociocultural utopias of the 20 th century], ed. V. A. Chalikova. Moscow, INION RAN publ, 1983. Issue 2. 291 p. [in Russian] 38. Zemlya i chelovechestvo. Global'nyye problemy [Earth and humanity. Global problems], ed. I. T. Frolov. Strany i narody [Countries and peoples]. Moscow, Mysl' publ, 1985. 429 p. [in Russian] 39. Strugatsky A., Strugatsky B. Volny gasyat veter [Waves dampen the wind]. Sbornik nauchnoy fantastiki [Science fiction collection]. 1988. No 32. Pp. 10- 127. [in Russian] 40. Strugatsky B. Kommentarii k proydennomu [Comments on the past]. Yesli [If]. 1998. No 11-12. [in Russian] 41. Filosofskiy slovar' [Philosophy Dictionary], ed. I. T. Frolov. 5 th edn. Moscow, Politizdat publ, 1986. [in Russian] 42. Filosofskiy slovar' [Philosophy Dictionary], ed. I. T. Frolov. 6 th edn. Moscow, Politizdat publ, 1991. [in Russian] 43. Khandozhko R. I. Intelligentsiya v politicheskom prostranstve «perestroyki» [Intelligentsia in the political space of "perestroika"]. Traditsionnoye i netraditsionnoye v kul'ture Rossii [Traditional and non-traditional in the culture of Russia], ed. I. V. Kondakov. Moscow, Nauka publ, 2008. Pp. 409-424. [in Russian] 44. Chalikova V. A. Strana Utopiya. Gde ona segodnya na karte real'nosti? [Utopia country. Where is it on the map of reality today?]. Utopiya i kul'tura : esse raznykh let [Utopia and culture: essays of different years]. Moscow, INION publ, 1992. Pp. 9-21. [in Russian] 45. Shestakov V. Evolyutsiya russkoy literaturnoy utopii [The evolution of Russian literary utopia]. Vecher v 2217 godu [An evening in 2217]. Moscow, Progress publ, 1990. Pp. 5-21. [in Russian] 46. Shishkin A. P. «Yest' ostrov na tom okeane…»: utopiya v mechtakh i v real'nosti [“There is an island on that ocean…”: utopia in dreams and in reality]. O, divnyy novyy mir : angliyskaya antiutopiya [Oh Brave New World: An English dystopia]. Moscow, Progress publ, 1990. Pp. 5-34. [in Russian]