Гуманитарные ведомости. Выпуск 1(41). 2022 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (41), март 2022 г 172 University of Culture and Arts]. 2020. Issue 3 (95). Pp. 120-128. [in Russian] 26. Solomonik E. I. Kamennaya letopis' Khersonesa [The Stone Chronicle of Chersonesos]. Simferopol: Tavria Publ., 1990. 110 p. [in Russian] 27. Frolov E. D. Rozhdeniye grecheskogo polisa [The birth of the Greek polis]. Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo Leningradskogo universiteta Publ., 1988. 232 p. [In Russian] 28. Chaniotis A. Voyna v ellinisticheskom mire. Sotsial'naya i kul'turnaya istoriya [War in the Hellenistic world: Social and cultural history]. St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriya Publ., 2013. 432 p. [in Russian] 29. Hafner G. Vydayushchiyesya portrety antichnosti. 337 portretov v slove i obraze [Outstanding portraits of antiquity. 337 portraits in word and image]. Moscow: Progress Publ., 1984. 311 p. [in Russian] 30. Tsarinnyy I. V. Postament v gorodskoy monumental'noy kul'ture [Pedestal in urban monumental culture]. Arkhitektura i dizayn. 2017. Issue 4. Pp. 22- 30. [in Russian] 31. Shavshin V. G. Sevastopol' v istorii Krymskoy voyny [Sevastopol in the history of the Crimean War] . Sevastopol: Telescop Publ., 2004. 304 p. [in Russian] 32. Shmeleva N. V., Klyuev A. Vizual'nyye obrazy nezrimogo v sovremennoy kul'ture [Visual Images of the Invisible in Modern Culture]. Juvenis scientia. 2019. Issue 1. Pp. 39-42. [in Russian] 33. Shub M. L. Kul'turnaya pamyat': sushchnostnyye osobennosti i sotsiokul'turnyye praktiki bytovaniya: monografiya [Cultural memory: essential features and socio-cultural practices of everyday life: monograph]. Chelyabinsk: Izdatel'stvo Chelyabinskogo gosudarstvennogo instituta kul'tury Publ., 2018. 303 p. [in Russian] 34. Shub M. L. Obraz proshlogo kak fenomen kul'tury: kontseptualizatsiya i formy reprezentatsii v sovremennom sotsiokul'turnom prostranstve [The image of the past as a phenomenon of culture: conceptualization and forms of representation in the modern socio-cultural space] : dis. ... dr. culturol. [Thes. … Dr Culturology] : 24.00.01. 2018. 491 p. [in Russian] 35. Boardman J. Greek Sculpture: The Classical Period: а handbook . London: Thames and Hudson, 1985. 252 р. 36. Christopher M. S. Johns Antoniо Canova and the Politics of Patronage in Revolutionary and Napoleonic Europe . Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1998. 271 р. 37. Jouin H. David d’Angers, sa vie, son oeuvre, ses écrits et ses contemporains . Paris, 1878. 601 p. [in French] 38. Rice E. The Glorious Dead: Commemoration of the Fallen and Portrayal of Victory in the Late Classical and Hellenistic World. War and society in the Greek World . Ed. by J. Rich, G. Shipley. London; New York: Routledge Publ., 1995. Pp. 224-257. 39. King R. The Judgement of Paris . New York: Walker and Company Publ., 2006. 464 p. 40. Suda. Aeschylus Living Poets : website. URL: https://livingpoets.dur.ac.uk/w/Suda_s.v._Aeschylus (accessed: 24 January 2022)