Гуманитарные ведомости. Вып. 1 (45) 2023 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (45), апрель 2023 г 107 Наоборот, после короткого периода максимальной популярности фигура Греты Тунберг ушла в тень. А климатическая повестка в целом оказалась отчасти вытеснена повесткой пандемии COVID и военного противостояния мировых держав. Литература 1. Badullovich N., Grant W. J., Colvin R. M. Framing Climate Change for Effective Communication: A Systematic Map // Environmental Research Letters. 2020. Vol. 15 (12). P. 1-16. 2. Bergmann Z., Ossewaarde R. Youth Climate Activists Meet Environmental Governance: Ageist Depictions of the FFF Movement and Greta Thunberg in German Newspaper Coverage // Journal of Multicultural Discourses. 2020. Vol. 15 (3). P. 267-290. 3. D’Angelo P. Framing: Media Frames // The International Encyclopedia of Media Effects / ed. by P. Roessler, C. A. Hoffner, L. van Zoonen. New York: Wiley, 2017. P. 1-10. 4. Druckman J. N. The Implications of Framing Effects for Citizen Competence // Political Behavior. 2001. Vol. 23. P. 225-256. 5. Entman R. M. Framing: Toward Clarification of a Fractured Paradigm // Journal of Communication. 1993. Vol. 43 (4). P. 51-58. 6. Leonard J. Who Is Greta Thunberg? New York : Penguin Young Readers Group, 2020. 56 p. 7. Framing the Global Youth Climate Movement: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Greta Thunberg’s Moral, Hopeful, and Motivational Framing on Instagram / A. L. Molder [et al.] // The International Journal of Press/Politics. 2022. Vol. 27 (3). P. 668-695. 8. Murphy P. D. Speaking for the Youth, Speaking for the Planet: Greta Thunberg and the Representational Politics of Eco-Celebrity // Popular Communication, 2021, Vol. 19 (3). P. 193–206. 9. Nelson T. E., Willey E. A. Issue Frames that Strike a Value Balance: A Political Psychology Perspective // Framing Public Life: Perspectives on Media and Our Understanding of the Social World / ed. by S. D. Reese, O. H. Gandy, Jr., A. E. Grant. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum. 2001. P. 245-266. 10. Nyberg U., Abdulahad C. TIME’s Person of the Year 2019: A Framing Analysis about Greta Thunberg in the U. S. Mainstream Media // LUP Student Papers: Land University Libraries. URL: https://lup.lub.lu.se/student- papers/search/publication/9015921. Date added to LUP: 15.06.2020. 11. Dominant Frames in Legacy and Social Media Coverage of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report / S. O’Neill [et al.] // Nature Climate Change. 2015. Vol. 5. P. 380-385. 12. Part M. The Greta Thunberg Story: Being Different is a Superpower. New York: Sole Books, 2019. 115 p. 13. Pedersen R. T. Media Framing // SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior / ed. by F. M. Moghaddam. SAGE Publications, Inc. 2017. P. 476-477.