Гуманитарные ведомости. Вып. 4 (48) 2023 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 4 (48), декабрь 2023 г 100 V. A. Kon Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia) A DIFFERENT VISION: ANALYZING THE RELEVANCE OF APOCALYPTIC CONSCIOUSNESS AND PHILOSOPHICAL POSITIVISM IN THE MODERN ERA THROUGH I. REPIN’S WORKS The article represents an analysis of the current relevance of revealing a different vision of Russian apocalyptic consciousness and the philosophical positivism of Europe in the historical context of Russia's "Silver Age" and the modern era of globalization. It emphasizes the significance of studying the Russian thinkers N. Berdyaev and M. Bakhtin, which allows for the exploration of the spiritual perspectives of expressive means of consciousness, as demonstrated through the paintings of I. Repin, by means of the transdisciplinarity of philosophical anthropology and art theory, which seemed to be depicting reality, yet cannot be narrowly confined to the present. The object of the study is a comparative analysis of expressions of apocalyptic consciousness in I. Repin’s works, revealing the era of media communication and highlighting the internal aspects of Russian consciousness, contrasting them with the formal approach of philosophical positivism manifest in the history and modern media communications of art, influencing a wide audience of viewers. The purpose of this article is to identify the patterns of the manifestation of historical apocalyptic consciousness in the art and culture of European and Russian heritage, expressed in a metaphorical and figurative form. The aim is to explain the formation of a philosophical- anthropological solution regarding an alternative vision of apocalyptic consciousness, developed by the religious-Orthodox idea of Transfiguration, according to V. Solovyov. This explanation will be carried out through modern research of visual culture, which holds special significance for the Russian tradition, in accordance with the works of F. Girenko and A. Markov. The basis of the research methodology is analyzing statements as revelations (in a religious context) within the context of Russian classical painting of the 19th century and contemporary media content culture. For this purpose the author of the article uses the comparison of Russian apocalyptic consciousness and the scientific model of European philosophical positivism, which allows for the discovery of a meaning distinct from the obvious in the compositional art of Russia in the 19th-20th centuries. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the contemporary interpretation of the alternative vision according to S. Bulgakov, through apocalyptic consciousness as manifested in the works of I. Repin, and its correlation with the philosophical thought of Russian philosophers such as F. Dostoevsky, P. Florensky, and others. The results of this study allow us to reconsider the historical role of Russian consciousness as a phenomenon of spiritual change arising in the interaction between apocalyptic consciousness and philosophical positivism in the context of its manifestation in contemporary mass art media content. Keywords: apocalyptic consciousness, the art of I. Repin, philosophical positivism, art media communications, viewer audience, regularity of historical consciousness, philosophical- anthropological solution, Transfiguration idea, historical media content. DOI 10.22405/2304-4772-2023-1-4-99-123 Актуальность исследования. Апокалиптическое сознание можно определить как феномен, который существует в контексте человеческого познания и восприятия мира, но не сводится к готовым представлениям, а включает в себя уникальные образы в экстраординарной перспективе их развития с исключительным виденьем цепи событий. Этот феномен связан с осознанием и восприятием трагического завершения истории, кризиса, столкновения различных идеологий и ценностей, а также с представлением о глубинных изменениях или конце человеческой цивилизации, и стремится охватить мир целиком, а не в его частностях. Апокалиптическое сознание