Гуманитарные ведомости. Вып. 1 (49) 2024 г

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (49), апрель 2024 г. 15 8. Brook A., Wuerth J. Kant’s View of the Mind and Consciousness of Self // THE STANFORD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PHILOSOPHY / ED. Edward N. Zalta, Uri Nodelman. Spring, 2023. URL: https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2023/entries/kant-mind/ (data of request: 10.01.2024). 9. Josifović S.Das “Kanon-Problem” in KantsKritik der reinenVernunft// Kant Studien. 2015.Vol. 106, no. 3. P. 487–506. 10. PerinА . The canon of pure reason: Kant on the non-dependent establishment of the practical use and the unity of reason//An international Journal for Moral Phylosophy. 2008.Vol. 7, no. 2.P.78–91. 11. Sirovátka J.Die moralische 'Endabsicht' der Vernunft :zum 'Kanon der reinenVernunft' // KantsGrundlegungeinerkritischenMetaphysik: Einführung in die 'Kritik der reinenVernunft'/ hrsg. N. Fischer. Hamburg: Meiner, 2010. S. 375–390. References 1. Asmus V. F. EtikaKanta [Kant’s Ethics], I. Kant. Sochineniya v 6 t. [I.Kant. Writings in 6 vols], Vol. 4, Part 1, Moscow, Mysl Publ., 1965, Pp. 5–65.[In Russian] 2. Kant I. Kritikaprakticheskogorazuma [Critique of Practical Reason], I. Kant. Sochineniya v 8 t. [I.Kant. Writings in 8 vols], Vol. 4, Trans. by N.M. Sokolov, Moscow, ChORO Publ., 1994, Pp. 373-565.[In Russian] 3. Kant I. Kritikachistogorazuma [Critique of Pure Reason], I. Kant. Sochineniya v 8 t. [I.Kant. Writings in 8 vols], Vol. 3, Trans. by N. O. Losskiy, Moscow,ChORO Publ., 1994, 741 p.[In Russian] 4. Kant I. Kritikasposobnostisuzhdeniya [Critique of Judgement], I. Kant. Sochineniya v 8 t. [I.Kant. Writings in 8 vols], Vol. 5, Trans. by M.Levina, Moscow,ChORO Publ., 1994, 414 p.[In Russian] 5. Kant I. Metafizikanravov [Metaphisics of Morals], I. Kant. Sochineniya v 8 t. [I.Kant. Writings in 8 vols], Vol. 6, Trans. by S.Ya. Sheynman-Topshteyn, Ts.G.Arzakanyan, Moscow,ChORO Publ., 1994, Pp. 224-543.[In Russian] 6. Kant I. Osnovopolozheniyametafizikinravov [Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals], I. Kant. Sochineniya v 8 t. [I.Kant. Writings in 8 vols], Vol. 4, Trans. by. L. D. B., Moscow, ChORO Publ., 1994, Pp. 153-246. [In Russian] 7. Sudakov A.K. Kant iproblemateoditsei [Kant and the Problem of Theodicy], Gumanitarnyye vedomosti TGPU im. L. N. Tolstogo , No.1 (45), 2023, Pp. 5-24.[In Russian] 8. Brook A., Wuerth J. Kant’s View of the Mind and Consciousness of Self, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy , Ed. by Edward N. Zalta, Uri Nodelman, Spring, 2023, URL: https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2023/entries/kant-mind/ (accessed: 10.01.2024) 9. Josifović S. Das “Kanon-Problem” in KantsKritik der reinenVernunft, Kant Studien , 2015. Vol. 106, No. 3. Pp. 487–506. [In German]