Гуманитарные ведомости. Вып. 3(51) Т1 2024 г
76 Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 3 (51), октябрь 2024 г. Pedagogical Sciences]. 2024. No.1. Pp. 311-316. [In Russian] 17. Gura A. Yu., Mikhaylov A. A. Problema bessmertiya: biokhaking i transgumanizm [The problem of immortality: biohacking and transhumanism], Filosofiya v XXI veke: sotsialno-filosofskiye problemy sovremennoy nauki i tekhniki : materialy I Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. [Philosophy in the 21st century: social and philosophical problems of modern science and technology. Materials of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference], Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarskiy gos. agrarn. un-t Publ., 2023. Pp. 294–298. [In Russian] 18. Puchkov D. V. Biokhaking: za i protiv? [Biohacking : in favor or against?], Yevraziyskiy yuridicheskiy zhurnal [Eurasian Law Journal]. 2021. No. 10(161). Pp. 250–253. [In Russian] 19. Zhuravleva, L. A. Biokhaking: sotsiogumanitarnaya ekspertiza [Biohacking. Socio-humanitarian expertise], Aktualnyye problemy sotsialno- gumanitarnykh distsiplin [Current problems of social and humanitarian disciplines]. Yekaterinburg, Uralskiy GAU Publ., 2021. Pp. 89–95. [In Russian] 20. Sokol D . Ne sudite. Istoriya o meditsinskoy etike i vrachebnoy mudrosti [ Don’t judge. A story about medical ethics and medical wisdom. ], Moscow, AST Publ., 2020. 352 p. [In Russian] 21. Novyoselov V. M., Gayfullin B. N. Loshad gerontologii v teni biokhakinga [The horse of gerontology in the shadow of biohacking], Doklady MOIP [Reports of Moscow Society of Naturalists]. Moscow, Izd-l V. M. Novoselov Publ., 2023. Pp.30–38. [In Russian] 22. Habermas J. Budushcheye chelovecheskoy prirody [The future of human nature]. Moscow, Ves Mir Publ., 2002. 144 p. [In Russian] 23. Kurzweil R., Grossman T. Transcend: devyat shagov na puti k vechnoy zhizni [Transcend : nine steps on the path to eternal life], Moscow, MIF Publ., 2015. 384 p. [In Russian] 24. Keizer B. Tantsy so smert'yu. Zhit i umirat v dome miloserdiya [Dancing with Mr. D.], Saint Petersburg, Izd-vo Ivana Limbakha Publ., 2017. 432 p. [In Russian] Статья поступила в редакцию 12.09.2024 Статья допущена к публикации 30.10.2024 The article was received by the editorial staff 12.09.2024 The article is approved for publication 30.10.2024
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