Гуманитарные ведомости. Вып. 3(51) Т2 2024 г
144 Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 3 (51), том 2, ноябрь 2024 г. 21. Allen A. The End of Progress . New York, Columbia University Press, 2016. P. 3. [In English] 22. Bazin Y. Making Artificial Intelligence More Sustainable: Three Points of Entry into an Ethical Black Box. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management , V. 44, N 2, 2024. P. 119–136. [In English] 23. Bostrom N. What is a Singleton. Linguistic and Philosophical Investiga- tions, V. 5, N 2, 2006. P. 48–54. [In English] 24. Deslandes G. Wittgenstein and the Practical Turn in Business Ethics. Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organizational Studies , V. 16, N 1, 2011. P. 48–54. [In English] 25. Floridi L. The fourth revolution: How the infosphere is reshaping reality. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014. P. 166. [In English] 26. Floyd J. Wittgenstein on Ethics: Working through Lebensformen. Phi- losophy and Social Criticism , V. 46, N 2, 2020. P. 115–130. [In English] 27. Fonseca F. Ontology-based geospatial data integration . In S. Shekar, H. Xiong Encyclopedia of GIS. New York, SpringerScience Media, 2008. P. 812–815. [In English] 28. Fuller S., Lipinska V. The Proactionary Imperative: A Foundation for Transhumanism . Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. 161 p. [In English] 29. GPT-4 has passed the Turing test. URL: https://www.livescience.com/technology/artificial-intelligence/gpt-4-has-passed-the- turing-test-researchers-claim (date of access: 18.11.2024) [In English] 30. Grenon P. A primer on knowledge representation and ontological engi- neering . In K. Munn, B. Smith. Applied ontology: An introduction. Frankfurt, Ontos, 2008. P. 57–81. [In English] 31. Haraway D. J. The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant Otherness. Chicago, Prickly Paradigm Press, 2003. P. 6–7. [In English] 32. IEEE. Ethically Aligned Design: First Edition, 2019. URL: https://standards.ieee.org/industry-connections/ec/ead-v1/ (date of access: 11.2024). [In English] 33. ISO. ISO/IEC DTR 24368 Information Technology. Artificial Intelli- gence. Overview: Aspects of Ethics and Societal Concerns , 2022. URL: https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/en/#iso:std:iso-iec:tr:24368:ed-1:v1:en (date of access: 23.11.2024) [In English] 34. ISO. ISO/IEC TR 24028:2020. Information Technology. Artificial Intel- ligence. Overview of Trustworthiness in Artificial Intelligence , 2020. URL: https://www.iso.org/standard/77608.html (date of access: 23.11.2024) [In English] 35. Schwerzmann K. Moralisation de la vie nue – transhumanisme et biopol- tique. Revue des sciences humaines , N 341, 2021. P. 227–244. [In French] 36. Smith B., Klagges B. Philosophy and biomedical information systems. In K. Munn, B. Smith. Applied ontology: An introduction. Frankfurt, Ontos, 2008. P. 21. [In English] 37. Thomas А. The politics and ethics of transhumanism. Techno-Human Evolution and Advanced Capitalism. Bristol, Bristol University Press, 2024. P. 195– 213. [In English]
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