Гуманитарные ведомости. Вып. 3(51) Т2 2024 г
31 Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 3 (51), том 2, ноябрь 2024 г. URL: https://docs.cntd.ru/document/420237592 (accessed: 20 October 2024) [In Russian] 6. Mead M. Kultura i mir detstva. Izbrannyye proizvedeniya [Childhood in Contemporary Cultures. Selected works]. Moscow. Nauka Publ., 1988. 429 p. [In Russian] 7. Kasavina, N. A. Molodezh v tsifrovom obshchestve: riski i vozmozhnosti [The youth in the digital society: risks and opportunities]. Usloviya i sposoby povysheniya aktivnosti molodezhi kak subyekta innovatsiy i ustoychivogo razvitiya regionov : sb. dokl. statey uchastnikov XV Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. v ramkakh initsiativnoy programmy «Problemy sotsiokul'turnoy evolyutsii Rossii i yeye regionov» [Conditions and ways to increase the activity of youth as a subject of innovation and sustainable development of regions. A collection of articles by participants of the 15 th All-Russian scientific and practical conference within the framework of the initiative program ‘Problems of socio-cultural evolution of Russia and its regions’]. Saint Petersburg, October 09-11, 2019. Saint Petersburg. Renome Publ., 2019. Pp. 222-229. [In Russian] 8. Pletneva A. O., Temireva K. A. Vzaimosvyaz dvukh pokoleniy: tsennostnyye oriyentatsii i povedencheskiye reaktsii millenialov i tsentenialov [The interconnection of two generations: value orientations and behavioural reactions of millennials and centenarians]. Vserossiyskaya konferentsiya molodykh issledovateley s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem «Sotsialno-gumanitarnyye problemy obrazovaniya i professionalnoy samorealizatsii «Sotsialnyy inzhener – 2019»: sb. materialov [All- Russian conference of young researchers with international participation ‘Socio- humanitarian problems of education and professional self–realization ‘Social engineer – 2019’: collection of materials]. Part 2. Moscow. FGBOU VO «RGU im. A.N. Kosygina» Publ. Pp. 182-185. [In Russian] 9. Putintseva A.V. Analiz prichin i usloviy kiberbullinga [Analysis of the causes and conditions of cyberbullying]. Pravo i gosudarstvo: teoriya i praktika . 2019. No.11 (179). Pp.171-173. [In Russian] 10. Petev N.I. Tsifrovoye prostranstvo kak stimul formirovaniya individualizatsii i samoopredeleniya [Digital space as a stimulus for the formation of individualization and self-determination]. Vektory blagopoluchiya: ekonomika i sotsium [Journal of Wellbeing Technologies]. 2021. No. 1 (40). Pp.163-169. [In Russian] 11. Kravchuk A. MGPU razreshil pisat diplomy s pomoshchyu II. Kak yego ispolzuyut v obuchenii. Prepodavateli davno nashli primeneniye neyrosetyam [Moscow City University allowed to write diplomas with the help of AI. How it is being used in teaching. Teachers have long found a use for neural networks]. RBC Life URL: https://www.rbc.ru/life/news/64f06ee89a794798396ebc56 [In Russian] 12. Student RGGU napisal na 82 protsenta originalnuyu VKR s pomoshchyu neyroseti [A student of RSUH wrote 82 percent of the original WRC using a neural network]. RIA Novosti . URL: https://ria.ru/20230201/neyroset-1849094309.html [In Russian] 13. Sukhanovskaya T. V Pomorye studentam razreshili ispolzovat neyroseti dlya podgotovki diplomov [In maritime country, students were allowed to use neural
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